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County Durham Friendship Games

2021 / 22 County Durham Friendship Games

Welcome to the County Durham Friendship Games!

As part of the Commonwealth Games, County Durham Sport and the School Games Organisers have designed the Friendship Games as a celebration of physical activity and to encourage more young people to move more and be active!



What is the Friendship Games?

The Friendship Games is a county-wide programme where schools can sign up to become a ‘Friendship School’, that has the shared aim to increase physical activity and participation among targeted group students. The Friendship Games will allow pupils to be at the heart of designing their Friendship Games offer for another school which will be delivered in our Sport week which takes place from the 20th – 24th June 2022.


What is required from Schools?

Schools will….

  • Sign up to become a Friendship School by completing the form below by 8th April 2022 .
  • Identify 20 Key Stage 2 children to participate in the Friendship Games. These children will be identified and picked based on the 3 key target groups, which include least active, low self-esteem/confidence or girls only. 
  • Choose at least one of the three key target groups which best fit the pupils identified (more than one can be selected if they hit more than one). Schools will be matched with their partnered school based on the target groups they select.

Schools will engage with their friendship school by the following:

  • Communicating– Pupils should contact their new friends in their partner school via a method of their choosing by 13th May 2022. E.G. writing a letter, designing a poster, sending an email or creating a video.
  • Learning and showcasing – Schools to pick a Commonwealth country to learn about, engaging with aspects of their culture. Pupils should put together a creative activity to showcase their country and teach the partner school about it E.g. dance routine, design a flag, create a costume, design a mascot (schools can pick their own way to showcase).
  • Planning and delivering – Plan a creative physical activity event or game to deliver to your partner school. This will be delivered by pupils travelling to visit their partner school during the week of the Friendship Games.
  • Engaging and sharing – School should engage with the Friendship Games on social media by sharing a minimum of at least one activity designed to promote the values of the Friendship Games with others E.g. A school display, a game/challenge to engage parents.

Posts should use the hashtag #CDFG

Friendship Games Sign Up Form

SGO Area - If known

Target Groups - Key Stage 2

12 + 15 =


For more information about School Games, please feel free to contact your local School Games Organiser. Their contact details can be found below.




Jennifer Lloyd-Edward





You can download information on County Durham School Games by clicking the link below. (PDF’s open in new window).