County Durham Sport work with a wide range of partners in County Durham as well as regional and national partners to achieve our goal. Our work is supported and influenced by the local communities that we work in and we are proud to collaborate with a network of providers to achieve our mutual goals.

BECKS LIPPE - Director of Operations
Becks’ role is to lead and direct, through operational oversight, the delivery of business objectives and to be responsible for the strategic leadership of Safeguarding, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Partnership Approaches.
07715 077 266


Through support of the Active Partnerships team and network we are delighted to announce the appointment of George Cull as interim Managing Director of County Durham Sport.
George will be joining County Durham Sport part-time for a period of 6 months whilst the County Durham Sport Board explore the shape of the organisation going forward.
George is currently employed as Director of Development for North Yorkshire Sport and will be partially seconded to County Durham Sport during the interim period.

Joe Armstrong - Programme Manager (Children & Young People)
Joe is responsible for managing the County Durham Sport children and young people portfolio and supporting our vision and mission; in an attempt to drive societal change locally and tackle inequalities preventing children and young people from enjoying the life changing benefits of sport and physical activity.
Joe also acts as the safeguarding and equality lead within this area of operations.
07936 947 077

Louise Clare - Business Support and Communications Officer
Louise is responsible for the provision of effective, efficient and high quality administrative and communications support to the County Durham Sport team, partnerships and alliances.

NATHAN BEADLE - Project Officer for Children and Young People
Nathan’s role is to work with the CYP team to increase and strengthen physical activity opportunities across County Durham for children and young people, with a direct emphasis on tackling historic, deep-rooted inequalities. Operationally, Nathan’s responsibilities include overseeing the County Durham School Games and offering schools support to complete the annual Active Lives CYP survey led by Sport England.
07725 203 057 nathan.beadle@countydurhamsport.com

RACHEL BUCKLEY - Project Officer
Rachel’s role is to support County Durham Sport’s vision and mission to remove the barriers to moving by challenging inequalities and changing lives through sport and physical activity through a place based approach.
Rachel is responsible for creating sustainable and impactful change in the level of access to sports facilities across County Durham for children and young people and local communities through the Opening Schools Facility programme.
07860 503 996

ROWENA CARR - Sport Welfare Coordinator
Rowena is responsible for working with National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and local sports clubs to help improve safeguarding standards and culture by promoting good practice and safe sport.

STEPHANIE YATES - Finance Officer
Stephanie is responsible for the provision of effective, efficient and high quality finance support and reporting to County Durham Sport’s executive team and Trustees.

Stephen Gilbert - Community Development Officer
Stephen is responsible for supporting County Durham Sport’s vision and mission to remove the barriers to moving by challenging inequalities and changing lives through sport and physical activity through a place based approach.
Stephen also coordinates the Opening Schools Facilities programme.
07936 962 490

Suzanne McDermott - Infrastructure & Environment Strategic Lead
Suzanne is responsible for the leadership and advocacy in relation to the role of the built environment in increasing physical activity levels in the Region.
The role is also to provide influence and encourage active transport including walking and cycling in seeking to reduce carbon emissions and to improve physical and mental wellbeing through the development of, and leading strategic partnerships to increase active travel across the Region.
Suzanne also focuses on the development of the use of green and blue spaces for physical activity and play forms part of the role.
This role is jointly funded through Rise.
07458 306 501 suzanne.mcdermott@wearerise.co.uk
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