Friday 26th January saw us host a NERF festival as part of the County Durham School Games for six local schools at Newton Aycliffe Leisure Centre. Pupils attending took part in a carousel of games and activities delivered by staff from PEAK (Physical Education & Active Kids).
The activities included variations of popular playground games and were designed to encourage teamwork and communication amongst pupils, as well as getting them active.
Many pupils (and teachers) remarked that they enjoyed taking part in a new event that was different to anything they’d tried in school and hoped that there would be more events like it in the future.
One pupil from St Andrew’s Primary School said: “I enjoyed trying a new and different experience”. Another from Seaview Primary School commented: “I’m liking spending time with my friends outside of the classroom”. Finally, a pupil from Cotsford Primary school, when asked how much they’d enjoyed the event, said: “a lot! I would definitely want to do it again”.
The next event in the County Durham School Games calendar for this academic year is our Girls Football Festival. The event will be held over two days on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th March (which coincides with International Women’s Day).