This week, Sport England published its report – The Social Value of Sport and Physical Activity in England. The new research shows that sport and physical activity has generated over £100 billion in social value per year.
The value is made up of £96.7 billion in annual wellbeing value for adults, children and young people taking part and volunteering in sport and physical activity – and a further £10.5 billion in wider savings to the health and social care system a year.
You can read the full summary report here.
You can also watch the Social Value explainer video here:
George Cull, Interim Managing Director for County Durham Sport said:
“We all know that being active can deliver health and social benefits, and we really welcome this report to help put a financial value on these benefits, which helps make the case to national and local government as well as health partners also, especially when we are able to understand this figure on a County Durham footprint.
With pressure on so many of our services and challenging public finances, we can not underestimate the power of movement and being active as a preventative service and how that is already reducing the burden on our health services and this report gives us the evidence of that value.”